Ruin Your Pitch Deck with a Perfectionist Designer

About pitch decks and constant iterativity

Oct 9, 2024


Isn't it interesting how we often rely on designers to craft our pitch decks, only to end up with static presentations? An effective pitch deck isn't created with just a one-time design and a few revisions. It evolves—sometimes undergoing over 50 iterations—refining itself after each pitch, adjusting the structure, and even rethinking the entire concept.

The most impactful decks are those that continuously adapt. So, why slow down this iterative process by involving a designer at every step? Salespeople and founders might consider taking the reins and creating their own decks. Better yet, ask your designer for a set of flexible templates so you can shape your deck as needed. And startup designers, stop getting frustrated over endless edits—it’s just part of the game.